Hahaha have you really danced there if you haven’t cried at least once afterwards?? YOU made dancing joyful for me Jenny💗🌸 Thank you for the honesty, and keep being your biggest cheerleader!

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I needed to read this today too 💜 as always, I can't help but appreciate how articulate and thoughtful you are in all things 🐧

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When it comes to dance, I always think of this quote from Center Stage:

All my life I've wanted to be one of ABA's perfect ballerinas. I wanted to be you, Juliette. But I'm not you, and I'm not perfect,I'm just me, bad feet and all, and I'm starting to think that I like that just as much.

Keep dancing, Jenny! Dance to have fun, dance for yourself, dance to find your joy!

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Dancing is an ability I wasn’t born with, but after reading your post I think it’s my ANTs speaking here. I heard a saying today and I think it applies very well here:

Wether you think you Can or you Can’t, you’re right!

it’s all about the mindset.

I enjoy reading you always.

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